Friday, October 9, 2020

Doordash Customer Lies to Get Free Food

No matter what line of business a person works in, there will always be those that try to get something for nothing. In other words, there will always be thieves. The sad part is that these thieves never think about the people that they are victimizing. Anytime they steal they are accusing another individual of doing something wrong. It basically comes down to a thief doing wrong while making an accusation against somebody else.

When Doordash calls up a Doordash driver and says that a customer is claiming that they never received their food

This is a predicament that many Doordash drivers have faced at one time or another. Personally, for the amount of lifetime Doordash deliveries that I have done, I'm pretty grateful that I haven't had this happen too often. It's only happened to me about four times throughout the many years I have been dashing. You can call me lucky, but I hear about it happening to other dashers much too often.

A dasher will deliver the customer's food to their house, walk away and then get back on the road again. Five minutes later, a Doordash rep is calling them up. The dasher answers, and the rep informs them that so and so is claiming that they never received their food, and the order was marked as delivered. The dasher is confused. What? The dasher tells Doordash that the food was just delivered, and Doordash says okay and thank you.

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I will say one thing about Doordash, they are pretty understanding when this happens. Glad to know that they have common sense and give understanding knowing that there are thieves out there. I mean, we have to understand that the Doordash rep has to call up the dasher and ask them about it. It is part of their job.

The thing that's annoying though is that usually nobody can prove the customer is lying. So, Doordash will usually go on ahead and give that lying customer credit on their Doordash account. There are times when Doordash will give them more credit than they deserve!

This will be done to protect the innocent customer, because like it or not, there are Doordash drivers that are thieves too. You know, the hungry dasher that marks an order as delivered and enjoys the customers food. These people usually wont last too long as a dasher, but they'll always be a small percentage of the dashing force.

Why would a Doordash customer steal by claiming that they never received their food?

There's always plenty of excuses that people will use for thievery, but basically they want something for nothing. They want to eat food, but they don't want to pay for it. They are ignorant though and don't realize that if they don't pay for it somebody else is.

Even if they do realize that somebody else is paying for their food, they most likely don't care. They probably don't even think of themselves as a thief because they are taking from rich companies. You know the type, they think that if they are stealing from what they think of as rich then it's not really stealing and it's okay.

A lot of times, these thieves just have a bad habit. If there is an opportunity to get something for free they are going to go for it. They might even have the money to pay for their food but would rather not. These are the same people that will use an item, break it and then return it to the store claiming that it was already damaged. These are the same people that would steal the U.P.S. packages that were sitting in front of another person's house or apartment. Most would call these people low lives.

Some Doordash customers may see it as an easy opportunity to get free food

As I've already stated, when there's an opportunity to get something for free these people will not hesitate. Stealing from Doordash is much easier than physically going into a restaurant and stealing. Lying to a Doordash rep is easy.  All you have to do is say that the Doordash driver never delivered the food. Nobody can prove that they are lying. The Doordash rep cannot call them a liar!

What if the Doordash customer is poor and can't afford to pay for their Doordash order? To that I will say that this is the United States of America and nobody here is that poor. We have a welfare system that will take care of those that are in a tough financial situation. The government will even willingly take care of lazy people that take advantage of the welfare system. My point; nobody is that poor and that would just be another terrible excuse.

With all that said, most people would agree that Doordash customers that do this are a bit trashy, ghetto or whatever else they want to call them. There is no valid reason to steal food, but you have to understand that many thieves get kicks off of doing things like this. For some people lying and stealing is just a trait. The sad thing is many of them are proud of it.

Doordash customers that think they have a right to steal

Let's face it. There are people that think that they are entitled to getting things for free. They feel like they are a bit more special than others. They think that they are slick and may even be proud of themselves. They'll boast to others about how they called up Doordash, lied and received a refund or credits.

A lot of times these people would not steal from what they consider normal people, but when it comes to stealing from Doordash, restaurants, insurance companies, large department stores, etc., they don't have a problem. They figure that these companies have so much money it wont affect them. Because of this, they think that they have a right to steal.

Doordash customers that steal and never consider others

When a Doordash customer calls up Doordash and lies about never receiving their food, they usually never consider their Dorodash delivery driver. They don't realize that when they claim not to have received their food that they are basically saying that their dasher stole it. Sure, they are proud of themselves for pulling one on Doordash, but the driver will soon receive a call from Doordash asking about it.

Earlier, I mentioned how Doorash reps were usually pretty understanding to drivers, but they still have to make that call. Lying and deceitful Doordash customers never think about this. If Doordash wasn't as understanding as they are with this, they could be disabling Doordash driver's accounts left and right for stealing food. Of course it's one word against another, but just remember that these thieves never ever consider the consequences of their actions toward their delivery driver.

Dashers need to take pictures for proof of delivery

There are a lot of dashers that have made a habit of taking pics of the food at their deliveries. This is a great thing to protect themselves from any Doordash customers that try to lie and get free food. If a dasher ever receives that call from Doordash support, they will have full proof that they made the delivery. Simply put, this gives dashers proof and makes non-delivery accusations something that they never have to worry about, and that of course is a good thing.

Doordash needs to disable the accounts of customers that lie about not receiving their food

I don't think anybody would disagree that Doordash needs to weed out deceitful customers. If a customer is calling them up every single week claiming that the dasher marked their order as delivered when in fact they never received their food, Doordash really needs to make note of it. They need to keep track of customers that are trying to game the Doordash system.

Again, there are times when a Doordash driver does not deliver the food and marks as delivered. It's very disappointing for a customer when this happens. Doordash has to make sure that a customer like this is taken care of. They don't want to lose a good customer. This is why they will usually not only refund them, but also give them future credits too.

When a customer is claiming that Doordash drivers are doing this to them on a constant and continuous basis, this is when the problem comes in. Nobody has that much bad luck. The Doordash drivers are not that bad. Sure, there are bad apples once in a while, but 99 percent of the time the dasher will be right there on time delivering the food.

Personal story about a Doordash customer lying and trying to get free food

A couple of years ago, I had a Doordash customer lie about not receiving the food from me two different times. The first time, Doordash called me about it, and I just told them that was nonsense and that I delivered, and that was the end of that. A couple of days later, I got the same girl, took the call and delivered it to her. This time I took a picture.

After driving away, about five minutes later Doordash called me about a non-delivery. I told them about this girl lying and how she did the same thing a couple of days ago. The Doordash rep said that she understood and thanked me. I was pretty sure in my mind that they would kick this girl off the Doordash platform.

The following week, both me and my wife were out dashing in separate vehicles. We didn't have any calls so we where sitting in a parking lot. Eventually, I received a call for that very same girl! I knew it was her because of the location. I didn't take the call. After declining it, my wife got the offer and accepted it. She wanted to mess this girl up. Not beat her up. She wanted to prove to Doordash that we had a thief on hand here.

On the way to deliver the food, my wife had a Doordash rep on the phone. She had explained to the rep about this girl and what was going on. She told the rep that she wanted to keep her on the phone while she was making the delivery. The rep was good with it and so that's what they did. My wife knocked on the door, the girl answered and my wife made some small talk so the rep could hear everything that was going on and that was that.

After delivery, my wife continued to talk with the rep about other issues, and a few minutes later my wife had to put the rep on hold because she was receiving another call. She answered, and it was another Doordash rep asking her about her recent delivery and how the customer is claiming that she never receive her food. My wife explained to her what was going on, clicked back to the original rep and explained to her what was going on and it was all figured out.

I doubt Doordash would ever tell you if they disabled a customer's account, and it was never asked, but I would guess that they did disable this girl's account. I never received a call for her again. It's really amazing what some people think they are entitled to.


  1. Yes some people steal and so do Door Dash Drivers and then they lie on the customer. A door dasher just lied about my order but I had screenhots, pictures, and evidence that he didn't do anything he said he did. He stole or misplaced my order and NEVER called or explained. He just lied and said that he didn't

    1. Hello. You are right. There are some Dashers that will steal food, but I am going to be completely honest here, the number of Dashers that steal food is very small compared to the amount of customers that lie to get free food. It was wrong that you didn't get your food, and I hope you got a well deserved refund from Doordash.

  2. I've ordered from DoorDash hundreds of times. Honestly, it may be approaching 1,000 orders. Tonight was the first time a Dasher said they delivered the food and did not. I tracked their movement on the app and noticed they pulled into a hotel just across the street from me and were there for a few minutes before marking my order as delivered and driving off. I immediately reported the issue to DD and they gave me full credit. And to think I tipped $10 when the suggested tip was $3 for a 0.3 mile delivery. Bummer that it happened. I suppose it's possible that they screwed up the delivery but I suspect they just stole my food.

    1. If you have had 999 out of 1000 Doordash orders delivered smoothly I would say that is great. Most people are good honest people on both sides. Not sure what happened there with the particular order you are talking about. As you say, it may be possible that the Dasher just screwed up and delivered to the wrong address. Of course I understand you thinking that the driver just stole your food too. Honestly, sometimes I think what a moron a driver would be to risk losing their gig job for stealing a customer's food, but people can do strange things sometimes.

  3. I mean I’ve literally had 4 times a door dasher not deliver my food to my house but to a neighbor down the street. It’s not always thieving customers but sometimes shit drivers.

  4. Hi Jay. You are right. Sometimes the thieves can be the drivers too. Understood. I have to point out though that if a Dasher deliveries your food down the street to another house, they are not stealing your food. I understand if you don't get your food you may be mad, but it's not a driver stealing. The Dasher is making a mistake and delivering to the wrong house. Why is it happening so often though? Is there a similar address down your street? Why would Dashers keep making this mistake. If i were you I would leave special instructions for them on how to find your house since they are having a difficult time doing so. Helping out a driver as much as possible will only benefit you.

  5. The doordash drivers (and restaurants) in my area are all just shit (I also used to deliver a other device) but most of the drivers around here take stuff from customers bags or steal the food. And even when I do get my stuff the food places here suck so much there’s ALWAYS something wrong when I order for me family. Some people that have to report to dash support all the time aren’t being dishonest.

  6. Hi Ashbabie. If this is happening to you then something is wrong with the Dashers in your area. Again, as I mentioned before, it has got to be one of the most moronic things that you can do. Stealing something from a customer's bag of food. Pathetic. And the restaurants not getting the food right. Understood.

    I will say this to anybody out there willing to listen though. There's nothing like doing things yourself and getting everything done right just the way you want it. Yep, sometimes even paying people to do what you can't or don't want to do will not bring satisfaction. It will jut make you an unsatisfied customer.

  7. Are you serious about no one being poor in America because welfare is there to provide for them? If so, you're crazy. Millions are barely making it and are hungry most of the time, including children. I k ow you aren't addressing the problem of poverty in this article, but your two sentence throw away of the plight of the poor is very ignorant.

  8. I am a fairly new dasher. I was lied about today. I was very mad and I told the customer service rep that this guy has lied. And if he orders again I'll refuse to accept. And I asked them how many times has this guy lied and got free food? I asked them why would I spend my gas and add miles on my car to not deliver I said I have a brand new Car . I said another thing I am a Christian and why would I lie? I said another thing I wrote down the restaurant and mileage and pick up to delivery miles I named off all the pick ups. I read them off .the customer service tried to tell me I still didn't deliver I said they why do I not have any food in my car? I sure didn't eat it I said it will all come out in the wash sooner or later and you will know I did Deliver to this guy. He is lying just so he can have his food for free and if you all keep allowing him to do this let alone anyone else I'll quit delivering for you all and go to a different company . I don't like liers. I will not order any accessories until I know if I'm gonna stay with Doordash or not. It will be up to them if I stay with this company. It's sad that they don't have away to prove who delivered and who didn't.. from now on I'm taking screenshots of deliveries and I will take pictures even if it don't say to.i will refuse to allow this to happen to me ever again .

    1. Thanks for sharing your story. Yes, it would be wise to take pics at every delivery; even if you are not required to (like hand it to me orders.) To further prove non-delivery false accusations, I always like to recommend using a timestamp that shows the date, time and address. With this, they cannot claim you delivered to the wrong address. Just google timestamp camera and you should find it. Best of luck to you :)
