Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Dashing on Halloween in 2020

There's no doubt that this Halloween is going to be different from any other Halloween that we remember due to Covid 19. What are we to expect? Are kids going to be filling the streets trick-or-treating? I'm sure some families will have the "I don't give a damn attitude" and will celebrate Halloween just like any other year, but I'm predicting that most people will not take their kids out trick-or-treating at all, or they will limit it to a few relatives and close friend's houses.

Doordash driver safety on Halloween

I have never been one that dashes on Halloween since I have kids and always take them out trick-or-treating. This year may be a bit different though as I'm pretty sure I won't be taking my kids out at all. Everything would probably be alright if we did, but I don't think it's worth the increased risk of bringing Covid 19 into my home.

As we all know, on a Halloween night, there are lots of kids out on the streets. This makes things a bit more dangerous than usual for drivers as well as pedestrians. More kids out on the streets naturally increase the chances of accidents happening.

Rent a car, Drive with Uber or Lyft - HyreCar

To be honest, this year during Halloween, I really don't think that dashers will notice much of a difference on the streets due to most families not going out trick-or-treating. That of course doesn't mean that dashers shouldn't take extra precautions. A dasher should always be alert and safe while making pick ups and deliveries on Halloween night. Even though there will be a smaller population of trick-or-treaters out there, those kids still deserve to be as safe as possible.

Safety for the trick-or-treaters on Halloween

No matter what a family, or an individual decides to do on Halloween, they should always keep their safety as well as others in mind. There's no doubt that everybody is for safety. The only argument is how to practice that safety. Do we really need mask to keep us and others safe? Most people would say "Yes," but we have to understand that there are others that would disagree.

It all comes down to respect. Respect others and they will usually show you respect. For example, if an individual is giving out candy, it would be foolish to think that all kids and adults walking up to their door will be wearing a mask. The person giving out candy shouldn't disrespect or say anything to those that walk up to their door not wearing a mask. 

The same goes for those that go out trick-or-treating and are assuming that those giving out candy will all be wearing a mask. It's just not going to happen. There will be a lot of people not wearing a mask. If an individual does not want to encounter problems like this, it's probably best to not go out trick-or-treating.

I will say for the last time though, I really think that most of us won't really have to worry about any of these problems as most parents won't be taking their kids out trick-or-treating like normal. I may be wrong though. Mankind never seizes to amaze me. We may have the most trick-or-treaters ever. Only time will reveal.

Dashers dressing up on Halloween

I once talked to a dasher that liked to dash on Halloween while dressed up in her costume. She swore that everybody tipped her well. I absolutely believed her. Why wouldn't anybody tip her for delivering their food dressed up in costume. I know that if I was a customer I would certainly tip her.


Honestly, if I was alone and ordering food for myself, I'd tip a dressed up dasher $10. If my kids were around and a dasher delivered my food in a cool costume, I'd tip them $20. Of course, everything is different now with the pandemic. Dashers don't even see 80 percent of their customers anymore because of all the contactless deliveries. Would it be worth dressing up on Halloween in 2020 for the sake of getting big tips? Probably not, but I may be wrong.

Does Doordash give bonuses for dashing on Halloween

Since I have never dashed on Halloween, I cannot remember if Doordash gives an extra bonus or not for dashing on Halloween. A couple of people have told me that they always do, but that it was only a couple of dollars and nothing unlike the normal bonuses that we get. So, there will more than likely not be any special bonuses to dash on Halloween.

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