Sunday, April 9, 2023

How to deal with Doordash support

As a dasher, there will eventually come a time when you have to deal with dasher support. You may find yourself in a situation where you don't know what to do. Your car may have broken down and you might have to explain to them that you can't complete the order. Or, you might just have a general question you need to ask them. There are many reasons as to why you will have to contact dasher support.

Dashers will find out that dasher support is generally not very helpful

If you have an easy question that you need answered, dasher support can indeed help you. I am talking about easy questions such as "What day do we get paid?" or "How do I get a red dasher card?" This is great, but most of these easy questions can usually be answered with a simple Google search.

I can't count the number of times when dasher support could not help me with my problem. I once couldn't start my dash and had a very difficult time with the dasher agents giving me the support and answers that I needed. If the dasher support is coming from live chat, you will be flooded with copy and paste responses. Doordash sets up their agents with these to give answers to dashers.

I  had multiple agents send me the same old copy and paste responses, and as you can imagine it became really nerve-racking. This type of thing has happened on many occasions, and the bad part is that an agent will never say "I don't know, but let me find someone else that can help you."

Dasher support agents don't want to spend too much time with you

Dasher support agents are 99 percent of the time based in other countries. The Philippines seems to be the most popular country that Doordash outsources their agent work to. Others have reported India and a few other countries, but the Philippines is by far number one.

Many of these agents are very nice people, but trust me when I say that they don't want to spend too much time with you via chat support or on the telephone. Why is that? Well, they work at a call center, and it never looks good on them when they spend too much time trying to help one person out. If their boss sees this, they are most probably going to have a word with them.

The best thing for a call agent to do is get the individual that they are helping off the line as soon as possible. This makes it seem as if they are doing a good job, and this is certainly important for the worker. It also should be noted here that our dasher agents do not work exclusively for Doordash. After hanging up or ending a chat with a dasher, their next contact may be another individual from another company.

It's not all dasher support agents fault

Trust me when I say that I am not knocking the Doordash support agents. They are doing the best they can with what they have. With that said, they don't know as much about Doordash as you think. This is why a dasher will receive so many copy and paste responses.

When they are asked a question, they scroll through their database to see what the answer to your question should be. If they can't find it, you really mess them up. Then, they will tell you that you will be contacted by email or telephone, and half the time that never happens.

What to do when dasher support can't help you

If you can't get help from an agent, the best thing to do is to contact dasher support over and over until you get somebody that can help you. You may have to do this 20 times, but eventually, you will find an agent that will help you solve your problem.

I mentioned earlier how I couldn't begin my dash and needed help. Well, all of the agents told me the same thing. Restart your phone, reinstall the app, etc. It took me about 20 agents to help me solve my problem. That last agent did something on her end, and just like that I was back on the road. None of the other Doordash agents knew what to do, but this lady did.

Never give up, and contact dasher support over and over. You will surely eventually reach an agent that is more knowledgeable than the average call center rep. It will be frustrating, but never give up!


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