Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Doordash - The Spookiest and Scariest Dash I Have Ever Done

Since it is close to Halloween, I thought that I would re-share this post with those that have never read it. I did not write it for Halloween or anything like that. It is a true story that scared the hell out of me a few years ago.

This may seem like a strange post to some, but I had to write about it because it was a Doordash experience unlike any other that I have ever had before. It was a pretty spooky experience to say the least, but I am glad that it was me who received this call and not somebody else. I am not a person that gets spooked or scared of things very easily, and even though a person would not be able to tell from the outside, this experience did spook me out.

The beginning of this frightening Doordash call

It was 10 pm and this call started out just like any other normal call. I received a ping to go to McDonald's to pick up a four piece of chicken nuggets and a shake. The customer's destination was only two miles away. I put my GPS on, and I was on my way. I was generally familiar with the area that I was going to and was eventually traveling down the main street that I drive down every day, but I must say that I had never been down this side street that GPS was taking me.

As I started going down the street everything was normal. The street was very wide, and for the first quarter of a mile there were apartments and some houses. Then the wide street started changing. Little by little the street started becoming more of a dirt road. There were no street lights and the surroundings became very dark. It was almost pitch black so I then turned on my bright lights so that I could see. Eventually, GPS told me to make a right off of this new dirt road. So there I was being instructed to turn from this wide dirt road into this little dirt road.

Down the little dirt road I go

I stalled for a second because it did not look like a street. It seemed to be more like an alley. This alley was very narrow, and my little car did not have much room. If I went in, it would be impossible to turn the car around and come back the other way. I proceeded and the dirt alley went on for about 100 yards. As I am driving, very slow I might add, there were two fences on the side of me. These fences had signs that said "Keep Away," "No Trespassing,""No Visitors Allowed," etc. It kind of made me think about how Area 51 would be if you were to get that close to it.

I'm starting to get spooked out

As I am traveling down this alley, it seems to be getting darker and darker. It was so dark that if my car's headlights were shut off you would not be able to see your hands in front of your face. On my right side, behind this fence, it looks to me like some type of business, but there is no building, just large acres of land. There were all kinds of things covered with giant sheets. On my left side, the property was also very big, and deep into the property there was some type of building. It was so dark though that I could not make out if it was a residential house or some type of business building. This was not a commercial or business area though. Very strange indeed.

As I made my way to what seems to be the end of the dirt alley, I am forced to make a left, and after this turn, the dirt alley continues for probably around 500 feet. On my left is still that property that I could not tell if it was a residential house or some type of business. From this angle, I somehow had a more clear view, and it it looked like a residential house from the 1800s. Very large, dark and spooky sitting way back on the large property.
On my right side there is nothing but bushy trees, but then the back yard of a house appears. If you kept driving past that backyard, more bushy trees would appear the rest of the way of the road. The backyard of that house had a fence that was really old and not maintained, but it was definitely the backyard of somebody's house. It looked like a normal backyard, and there were three dogs looking at me and barking.

The GPS tells me stop in the middle of nowhere to be murdered

As I am on the side of this backyard, GPS stops me and says "You have arrived." I stopped the car and looked around the surrounding darkness. Straight ahead of me, about 100 feet more, even though I can barely see through the darkness, I can see where this dirt alley ends and where I would not be able to go forward anymore. What stops the road here is a very old camper shell. It is sitting right there in the middle of the dirt road. It was kind of like a trailer that people live in, but then again it was like a 1970s camper. It was beat up, dark and creepy. Certainly nobody lived in this thing. It did not give the vibe that anybody would live in it. It looked like a piece of junk just sitting there blocking the road. Surely this thing was not my drop off.

To my left was still that large acre of land with the very large old creepy house sitting way back on the property. No lights or anything. There were no curtains, and all of the windows you would be able to see through if it was the day time. Unfortunately, it was pure dark and black. It looked like a house that was abandoned during the last century. Surely this was not my drop-off as there was not even any way to get in as it was all gated off with the warning signs everywhere. I might add that none of these places had visible addresses.

To my right stood the backyard of that house. The barking dogs actually made me feel pretty good like there was some life around me. I thought to myself that this has to be the house that I am delivering to. There was no way to get into this property either though, and I was not going to get out of the car to look for one. I could see enough that there was no way to get in. I figured that the residence of the house would come out after hearing their dogs barking, but nobody ever came out. I tried to call the customer, and I did not receive an answer. I got an answering machine to a bank. This was very strange indeed. I then texted the customer and did not expect to get a response which I didn't.

Doordash support to the rescue?

Okay, it was time for Doordash support. I sat there in the pitch dark, on this creepy dirt alley road in the middle of nowhere at about 10:40pm, and sent them a text. I was telling them that this place is impossible to find. As I am communicating with support, I hear this screaming sound coming from the large property to my left. I thought to myself that this Doordash call must be some kind of prank that somebody is doing to scare a Doordash driver. Either that, or this is some kind of psychopath killer that made a Doordash call to lure in a victim. I made sure that my doors were locked as I'm getting more spooked out at this point. I really felt like I was in the scene of a horror movie, and trust me when I say that anybody would have felt the same way.

The Doordash rep tried to contact the customer by phone and said that she got some other company's answering machine. It was not a bank but some other company. Okay, that is strange, but my mind is too occupied to really think about that. I'm just looking around waiting for something, or someone to attack me, and I'm ready for them, or it. At least I think that I am.

Screaming sounds continue to scare the heck out of me

I then hear that screaming sound again from the large property to my left. With it being so dark, I have no idea what, or who, is making that noise. It seemed like the noise had moved though and was a bit closer. Meanwhile, Doordash support is telling me that an email was sent to the customer, and if I can wait a while until a response is given. I tell them that I would rather not, and I describe the whole scenario to support. Then, that screaming sound comes from what sounded like under my car.

That was it for me. It was time to go! I told support that I cannot wait here anymore, and I started backing up my car. Remember, I cannot turn the car around as the dirt alley is very narrow. So I have to back up around 300 feet to get to where this dirt alley turns. At the turn of the dirt alley, I am able to turn my car around so that I can drive forward to proceed another 100 yards to get out of this dirt alley. As I was making the maneuver to get my car face forward, it was difficult to see behind me, and I did not see or notice it when I came in, but there was a giant pile of dirt that I almost backed in to. The pile of dirt was probably 30 feet high. I began to think that if I backed into that pile of dirt it would have caved onto my car.

I am now facing forward driving out of this dirt alley, and I finally make it to the wide dirt street where I feel a bit more safe. I am still chatting with Doordash support. She then tells me that she sent me an email, and if I can send her pics of the house so that there was proof that I was there. I told her that I left the house area and never knew where the house was anyways. I told her okay with the plan to just take a pic where I was at as it did not matter because it was pure pitch black everywhere anyways.


Strange and suspicious Doordash email

She told me to look at my emails for her initial email. I did, and I seen an email from Doordash support. I told her that I received the email titled "How did we do to help you?" She then tells me that she did not send that email. Now I'm thinking some evil spirits are messing with me or something, and I even told the Doordash support girl that  she was now spooking me out. She said that she would send another email, and when I looked I seen it and took a few pics of the darkness around me really quick and sent them to her. We ended our chat and that was that. I got paid for the order and got to keep the food and the shake.

I then drove down the wide dirt street to get out of there, and as I proceeded, little by little, the dirt street became more pavement, and I was out of that spooky area and felt like I was in normal civilization again. I will say honesty that I think that I was being watched the whole time when I was there. I don't know by who or what, but I definitely felt eyes on me. I think that whoever it was had hoped that a less intimidating person, or a woman driver, had arrived there, but instead they got me. I am not going to say that I was not spooked, but if somebody was watching me, they definitely would not think that I was spooked or had any fear. One of these days, I want to go back to that area in the day time so see what that area is all about. This is honestly the strangest dash that I have ever experienced, and I have not ever been spooked out like this in all of my adulthood.


  1. Holy cow I would have passed out from fright.

  2. Yes, it was quite an experience. It was the last dash that I did that night, and I remember coming home, pulling up in my driveway and looking under my car and making sure that I didn't bring anything back from that evil place. The experience really blew my mind.

  3. What town and state did this take place in? This sounds absolutely terrifying.

  4. It was in the Hacienda Heights area of California.

  5. I just had a delivery like this lastnight, I was so scared, it was a house at the end of a dirt road and I couldn’t text or call the customer, dasher support didn’t work. Big dog barking, it was a hand to customer but he waited a long time to say just leave it. I felt like I was in a horror film.

    1. When the hairs on your arms are sticking straight up you know you probably shouldn't be there LOL. Glad you made it out safely :)

  6. I had a delivery at a little before midnight. Took me forever to find this house. I'm driving up and I see 2 mailboxes. Different address numbers. One of them was the one I was looking for. It was completely dark. I could not see the front of the house or yard at all which didn't matter because there were huge bushes that I couldn't go through. I pull in a little more and come to a stop. I see this huge concrete building, a tiny concrete walk space. Another huge concrete building on the other side. It was like a LONG as hell walk way with no lights. I use my phone light to see and about halfway through there was this like little kid gate. Bolted to the walls and ground. Doesn't open. Immediately after the gate was about 20 stairs. I could see a door open and a glimpse of light... I seen someones shadow walking around up there so I yelled hey I'm here with your food. The movement stopped. I'm just standing there and I'm like trying to convince myself to just walk up the stairs and leave the food. He walks out and just stares at me at the bottom of the stairs. Behind a bolted gate with a handful of food and drinks. He did not care. Just stood there so rude. So I'm about to step over this gate and this dude was like I have stuff to do so just bring it in and leave it on my kitchen table. I immediately withdrew my leg back. I said no. I'm not coming in your house. I'm not even coming over this gate now. He like starts moving very fast down his stairs and I went into freak out mode like instantly. I dropped his bag of food and pulled out my spray and pointed it and yelled "I will fuck the both of us up my dude. And if I have to get spray in my eyes to make sure you get spray in your eyes I'm going to run and come back and taze you till you pee.. idk why but I never put his drinks down. They went back with me.... Want to know the shocker??? It was a wrong address and I was supposed to deliver it across the street and down a bit. But her mailbox was beside his in front of his house??????

    1. LOL - Wow! Thanks for sharing your story. I was going to ask you if the person complained to Doordash, but he wasn't even the customer. Why in the heck would he tell you to just go put in on his kitchen table? Weird guy ha! So did you spray yourself in the eyes? How about him? Glad you made it out safely.

  7. Ever since that happened if it's super dark and no lights and you're in a creepy area or my creep alert tingles happen. I will straight leave that food at the end of your driveway. And that is absolutely their fault for not having lights like non creeps.

    1. Yes, better to be safe. That should always be a dasher's number one priority.

  8. I have been in a few situations where my intuition radar went off. Had a delivery to a place in the cut, country dirt road. The instructions where drive down the drive way and hand to me call when arrive, there was no driveway or marker for the house I could see from the road. I called the customer he was trying to explain where it was telling me I had to turn around and telling me to drive down to where he was. So he’s like I’ll come up to the road. I see him down the road about .2mile as I’m driving toward him across the street I see a sign hand written that the owner of property was a gun carrier and to beware. Where the customer is standing is over grown with vegetation visually you couldn’t see anything that looked like a driveway from street also no house marker. He comes up to the car I greet him and hand the food from the window. He takes food, then turns to walk down the what he called a driveway. Turns around and says is there a frosty which I reply they didn’t give me one. As he’s walking away I see I’m put a handgun in his side pocket I believe it had a small scope on it also. I checked the order there was no frosty ordered. Was he trying to lure me down to wherever he was???

    There have been many more times where something just seems off.. I do carry protection, if I deliver at night I have a very bright flashlight I carry would definitely blind anyone coming close to me.the world we live in isn’t safe. Common sense does go along way though.. paying attention to your surrounding at all times with your safety in mind, if something doesn’t seem right it’s most likely not, don’t hang around to find out.
