Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Doordash - What to do with all those restaurant receipts

As a Doordash driver, you will undoubtedly experience your car being filled with what seems like a million restaurant receipts. In a given day, you can easily have 15 new receipts or more in your car. It's easy to just throw them on your passenger seat, around your middle console, on the floor or someplace else in your car, but eventually, you will have a big mess in your car.

While dashing, I do not give receipts to any customers, and nobody ever asks me for it. I have only had one Doordash customer ever ask me for their receipt, and I told her that it should be in the bag. She looked in the bag, right in front of me and let me know it was not there. I would have given it to her if I had it, but in this case, the restaurant did not even give me a receipt. She was a disgruntled customer anyways who was kind of moody because her order was late. It was one of those orders that when I accepted it, it was already late. Took me 30 minutes from the time I accepted it, but she did not know that. Just a customer with a bad attitude.

The receipts that you collect throughout the day can really make a mess in your car, and a good idea is to have a little bag in your car to throw them in. If you do this, you can just throw the bag away at the end of the day. I have tried to do this, but honestly, most of the time I forget to. I end up putting all of the receipts together in a little space in my door panel. At the end of the day, I will throw them all away. There have been times when I forget to throw the restaurant receipts away, and when I begin dashing the next day, the new restaurant receipts for the day will just be piled on with yesterday's receipts.

When we are dashing, we are out to make money and are frequently in a rush. Even though maintaining the restaurant receipts is one of the least important things on our mind, it is something that we should give a little thought to so that our vehicle does not become a sloppy mess. Besides the receipts, throughout the day, I end up with my personally used cups and a lot of other trash that ends up in my car. Hey, we are in our vehicle all day and also have to live and eat ourselves, but we have to maintain keeping our car clean.

There have been more than a few times when the mess in my car has gotten out of hand, and I do not want a Doordash customer walking up to my car to get their food. Although we usually walk up to a person's door to deliver their food, there are times when a customer will walk up to the car. When my car is too messy, and I may feel a bit embarrassed of the mess, I will not let a customer walk up to my car. If they are headed toward me car, I will jump out of the vehicle with their food and hand it to them. It's not that I care about these people or what they think, but I know that if I was a customer, I would not like to see a big mess in the delivery person's car. A great thing about dashing is that it does help remind us to keep our car clean.

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