Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Doordash Customers That Don't Care About Covid 19

Doordash made a very smart move when the Covid 19 pandemic hit. At first, they gave Doordash customers the choice as to whether they wanted a no-contact delivery or not. Then about a month later, they made no-contact deliveries the default for all deliveries.

I for one was in agreement with this. This disease was new, and we didn't know much about it. Heck, we still don't know enough about it, but even with the no-contact delivery agreement that both sides know about; you still have the knucklehead idiot customers that come out their house walking or running up to you.



Why do some Doordash customers not care about the Corona Virus?

First off, I will genuinely say that most Doordash customers have enough respect to stay in their house and not come out until I leave. I would say 80 to 90 percent of customers have the decency to follow the no-contact protocol. Of course there's nothing worse than the idiot that starts walking up to my car when I pull up.

Instead of directing this question to only Doordash customers, it would be better addressed to people in general. Why? Because everywhere you look there are people that don't care. These type of people are fighting to not wear a mask and preach how their American rights are being violated; bla, bla, bla. Nobody is going to tell them what to do.

They feel like they are of a special class of people that will speak their mind and stand up for their rights. Usually, these people are loud mouth, know it alls that think they are advisors and made to lead others. They have no respect for other people. It's all about what they say and what they want. They just talk but never listen.

These Doordash customers know that most dashers do not want any contact with them, but they don't care. It's all about them; not you. All they care about is getting their damn food. They don't care about your health, your kids health, your parents health and probably not even their own health.

Then you have the people that think they are smarter than everybody else. You know the ones that just know about the hoax the government is pulling over our eyes. The Corona Virus is not real, and they are not going to buy into it like other people. They might even say something ridiculous and say that Covid 19 is just like the regular flu. Anyways, the point here is that there are lots of people that don't care and some of these people will always be our beloved Doordash customers.


Even with a different opinion about Covid 19 shouldn't these Doordash customers still have respect?

You'll have to understand that there are people that have no respect for others no matter what, and that doesn't bother them one bit. It's of no concern to them. Of Course, anybody with a brain will realize that as the years go by respect is dwindling in this world. The older a person is the more likely they will notice this. It's not very difficult to see. That's not to say we don't have older disrespectful people or respectful young people, but in general this is true.

In the past, when people had different opinions about something, they still gave each other respect. These days it's a whole different story. Adults of today are pretty much like children. In the good old days when two people disagreed over something they would have an adult conversation.

These days when you hear two adults disagreeing about something they sound like children bickering at each other. They throw little immature insults at each other like little kids and show no respect to one another. If you are into politics you will even notice how these immature attitudes have become common with government officials.

It's easy to give respect to those that you agree with, but only an adult can give respect to a person that they disagree with. Even if I was a person that thought the whole Corona Virus was a joke or thought it was over exaggerated, I would still have respect for the driver that came to deliver my food. I would not come out to get my food until they left. I know most people don't want contact with me. Why would I disrespect them and give an effort to make contact with them?

What I do to make sure Doordash customers understand not to come out until I leave

Even though no-contact deliveries is by default on the app, I like to make sure that my Doordash customers understand that I am serious about them not coming out until I leave. After accepting an order, I will send them a text letting them know that I am picking up their order and will be there soon.

I also remind them that this is a no contact delivery. I tell them that I will leave their food at their door and that I will knock and walk away. I also let them know that I will also text them upon delivery. This is just in case they don't hear my knock.

When I send this text, 90 percent of Doordash customers respond and acknowledge. Some of them will leave further instructions and say something like "Please leave food on the bumper of the white pick-up truck" or something like that. Of course there is never a problem with these extra instructions.

After sending this text one time to a customer the guy replied back and said that his home is gated and he has big dogs in his yard. He said that when I get there he will be waiting for me outside his gate. Do you know what I did? I told him to have a nice day and canceled his order. I didn't have time to be dealing with things like that.

He could have easily waited in his house and took his dogs in with him. Then I would have been able to hang the food on his gate or something and let him know when I had done so. This guy really thought that he would be waiting for me when I pulled up and that he would just get up in my face so I could hand him his food. This is the kind of inconsideration that I have talked about.

How to deal with the stupid customer that approaches you

You know the kind of Doordash customer I am talking about. You pull up to their house, grab their food, start walking toward their door and then all of a sudden they open their front door and start walking toward you to meet you half ways. What is a dasher to do? You'll have to make an instant decision.

The best thing to do in this situation is to put your hand out and sternly tell them to stay back. They'll get the message and know what you are talking about. Most people will be surprised if you are stern, but trust me when I say that they will listen.

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If they ignore you and keep walking toward you then just drop the food on the floor and start walking away. I kid you not when I say that I had to actually do this one time. The lady would not stop so I just quickly put everything on the floor and walked away. Sounds funny, but when somebody does not listen you have no other choice.

I will end this by saying that if you are an active dasher, you are guaranteed to run into some of these non-caring customers. It's going to happen. Like I said though, just do everything that you can to try to avoid the situation. Send them that text after accepting their order. I really believe that texting them lets them know how serious you are. Stay safe and happy dashing!

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