Monday, September 21, 2020

Doordash - Do Top Rated Dashers Make More Money?

Sometime last year, Doordash came out with their top rated dasher program. When a driver is a top rated dasher, they are entitled to benefits that regular dashers are not. Some dashers pride themselves on keeping their top rated dasher status month after month, while other dashers don't seem to care much about whether they are a top rated dasher or not.


What are the top rated dasher benefits?

By far the greatest benefit of being a top rated dasher is having the ability to dash whenever you want. There is never a need to worry about scheduling. You can just jump on anytime and anywhere you want. Many dashers love this benefit and why wouldn't they? Who wants to worry about scheduling? 

On the other side of the token, there are some dashers that could care less about qualifying as a top rated dasher. They don't care about being able to dash whenever they want. They'll tell you that they don't need the ability to log on whenever they want. They'll say that if it is busy they would be able to log on anyways.

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Whether an individual is totally for being a top rated dasher, or a person that could care less, it doesn't really matter. What does matter is money. That's right! The whole reason we go on out and deliver food. What is a top rated dasher's earning compared to a regular dashers anyways?

Do top rated dashers make more money than regular dashers?

In my personal experience, and almost every other dasher that I have physically spoken to, there is not a difference in the amount of money you earn as a top rated dasher compared to being a regular dasher. Top rated dashers do not make more money. Your daily, weekly or monthly earnings will generally be the same.

If you do earn a little bit more money as a top rated dasher, it won't be by much, and it will be a coincidence. In other words, that's what you would have made anyways even if you weren't a top rated dasher. The offers that come in from Doordash will generally be the same. There are no special high paying calls that are only for top rated dashers.

Wait a minute! Don't you get the better calls when you're a top rated dasher?

This was something that I assumed when I first became a top rated dasher. I thought that long gone were the days of low paying calls. I never thought I'd see anything lower than $8. Doordash left those cheap calls to the newbies and regular dashers.

Boy was I wrong! I still received those cheap paying calls. As a top rated dasher you will still receive the $2 and $3 offers. Should you accept them? You can do what you want, but even if I'm not a top rated dasher, I leave those calls for others.

There is still a benefit to be a top rated dasher for some

Just because a top rated dasher doesn't make more money or receive better offers than a regular dasher doesn't mean that it's not a worthwhile program. Doordash never said that top rated dashers would make more money or receive the better calls. What they do promise is that a top rated dasher would be able to log on wherever and whenever they want.

Trust me when I say that it is a great perk to have. It's nice never having to worry about a schedule. The way I currently feel about the top rated dasher program is that it's a nice program, but it is not anything that I would heavily strive for. When it was new, I was more excited about it, but after being a top rated dasher for many months, I will say that it is nice, but it is nothing that I need.

If Doordash ever rewarded top rated dashers with more pay, the better calls, etc., then the top rated dasher program would really be worth it. Money talks, and if Doordash were ever to offer a perk like this, dashers would really strive to make the team.

With that, Doordash would probably make the criteria much more difficult, but that would be understandable if we are talking about money here. Will something like this ever happen? I doubt it, but who knows? Maybe one day Doordash will surprise us.

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