Thursday, June 13, 2019

Doordash Driver - How to Deal with Downtime

When Doordash has a driver going, they really have them going. Call after call will come in and the driver will consistently be picking up food and delivering to customers. This is what dashing is all about, and it is the reason that Doordash drivers got in to this gig in the first place. Unfortunately, things are not always so busy. It would be really great if it were, but the reality of driving for Doordash (or any other food delivery company) is that there will be times when no calls are coming in, and you will find yourself sitting in a strange parking lot with nothing to do.


How to Prevent Doordash Downtime

Before I talk about how to deal with downtime, I would first like to talk about preventing downtime. Oh yes, it can be done, and to do so will take some thinking on your part. I am talking about using multiple food delivery apps at the same time. Some drivers get nervous and will not ever try this, but by doing this, chances are that you will never have any down time of just sitting around. If one of the food delivery apps gets slow, and there are not any orders coming in, you can bet that the orders will be coming in from another app.

If you want to learn more about multiapping, please check out our multiapping article. My point here though is that by using multiple food delivery apps, you will very rarely have any downtime and will always be busy. Yes, in this day of age it is the best way to make the most amount of money possible in this line of work. When you have downtime and are just sitting around, you are losing money and
wasting valuable time.



How to Deal with Doordash Downtime

1. Go home

This might not seem like the smart thing to do if you are trying to receive calls, but there have been times when I just went on home after sitting in a parking lot for a half hour. There is no sense in me sitting around getting angry that I am not getting any calls. I am a person that has many things to do at my home. There are always so much things to catch up on. This strategy has paid off before as I have gotten busy at home doing something and then after an hour or so I will get a Doordash call from home.

2. Read a book

Reading is not for everybody, but for those that enjoy reading, this is the perfect opportunity to catch up on some reading. I am a person that loves reading, and even though I always want a dash to come in, there have been times that I was kind of disappointment when a call did come in because I wanted to continue reading my book. Only those that love to read will understand what I am talking about. When you get in to a good book you don't want to put it down. Those that despise reading couldn't understand. They wouldn't understand. They shouldn't understand.

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3. Take surveys and make extra money

I began doing this with a company a while back and figured that if I could earn a dollar or two a day it would pay a credit card bill each month for me. I mean if I could earn $30 to $60 per month doing this why not? You can earn much more money than this, but I am talking about the bare minimum here. A buck or two a day really adds up. If you can do $20 per day or more then God bless you!




4. Play games, watch a movie or listen to music

Entertainment! For many this is what life is all about. Video games, movies and music! I am a person who likes my music, loves watching a good movie once in a while and will enjoy playing video games once in a blue moon, but I am sort of old school when it comes to all of this stuff, and it would be impossible for me to spend eight hours a day with all of this.

The longest a movie can be for me is two hours. It would be very hard for me to play video games for over a half hour per day. When I was a kid I could go all day, but once I hit 13 years old, I found much better and more entertaining things to do. Okay, this stuff may not be my first choice to do during downtime, but I know for many people it will be.

Go on ahead and blast your music and sing your heart out. You probably would not be able to do this at your home. Watch that movie that you have been planning to watch. You'll get so much into it that you will forget that you are in a parking lot waiting for a call. For the gamers out there, yes you, I am talking about the 20 year old, 30 year old, 40 year old and beyond gamers out there, go on ahead and play those video games. Why not kill downtime with something you enjoy doing?

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5. Do homework

Dashers that are college students can greatly benefit from Doordash downtime. We all know homework is a time consuming task, but it is something that needs to be done. When in between Doordash calls, bust out with those textbooks and whatever else you need and get your work done. There is no better time to do your homework.

Are you somebody who is not a student, but you would like to get paid to help others with their homework. If so, check out Studypool. You set your own rates and will be helping busy students get their work done.

6. Write on your blog

This is of course if you have a blog. When do you think I do a lot of writing for this blog? That's right! When I have downtime. It gives me a good opportunity to catch up and do some writing here on this blog and other blogs that I have. 

Learn how to get paid for articles you write

7. Talk on the telephone

If you are a conversationalist that enjoys chatting on the phone, Doordash downtime is the perfect time to talk. Call your mom! Call your dad! Call family members that you haven't spoken to in a while. Call old friends that you haven't spoken to in years and catch up. Again, this is for the conversationalist. Not everybody wants to talk on the phone and some people would much rather be left alone without hearing about others burdens or problems in their lives.

8. Grab something to eat

Getting something to eat is a good idea if you want to actually sit down and enjoy your food. As dashers, I'm sure a large percentage of us just eat on the go. There is nothing wrong with that, but if the opportunity is there to just sit down and eat in peace, why not take advantage of it? If you are like me you will get a call anyways when you are about to sit down and enjoy your food. It never fails.

9. Pay Bills

This is not something any of us enjoy doing, but it is something that needs to be done on a regular basis, and it can be very time consuming. Of course, the more bills that you have to pay the more time consuming it is for you. Most of us pay most of our bills online these days. While sitting in your vehicle during downtime, why not spend that time paying your bills? It will save you from having to waste your time at home doing it.

10. Make money - Update your Offerup listings

I am always selling on Offerup. For those unfamiliar with Offerup, it is a platform where you can sell anything you want, and of course you can buy stuff others are selling. It is a very addicting site. If you are not a seller you may want to go on ahead and browse the listings. Offerup will certainly keep you entertained.

Other things you may want to do:

Wash your car

Doing something you need to do anyways is always a good thing. This is especially true for dashers who are rolling around all day making deliveries.

Go to the market or the 99 cents store and do some shopping

Again, this is something that you will have to do anyways so why not get these chores done during downtime. It beats sitting around in your car doing nothing and just wasting your time.

Things not to do during Doordash downtime:

Go to the bar

Drinking is never a good idea when you are trying to work. Especially when your job involves driving!

Visit old party friends

Will also probably involve drinking so these people would be best to avoid.

Visit people

This means anybody, not just your old troublesome party friends. Why? Because it will certainly take you out of work mode. If you are ready to get out of work mode, go on ahead and visit people, but if you want to continue working and concentrate on making money visits should be avoided. If you go visit your mom you are probably going to get comfortable and most likely wont be dashing anymore.

Hang around restaurants chatting with workers

Management will most likely get tired of you hanging around their establishment and eventually tell you that you can't be hanging around all day. It will also probably annoy them that you are bothering their workers and delaying them from doing their jobs. Basically you will eventually not be welcomed anymore no matter how likeable you think you are.

Drink, smoke weed or do any other drugs

This is pretty straight forward. What you do on your own time is your own business and nobody really cares, but to do this while you are dashing is really dumb and irresponsible. You can hurt yourself, but most importantly you can hurt other innocent people. Don't be drunk or high while dashing! Your whole world can be turned upside down!

Hire a prostitute

No explanation needed.

Go for a massage

There is nothing wrong with a nice massage, but if you are in the middle of a massage and get a call, you are not going to interrupt your massage and leave. You will be too relaxed, and probably wont be able to move. Plus you paid good money for your massage. It would be best to get a massage on your own time when you are not dashing.

Visit your boyfriend or girlfriend

This is geared to the young people out there. Sure, a young person will always enjoy the company of their boyfriend or girlfriend, but as anybody over the age of 30 knows, many times they can be a distraction to responsibilities that need to get done. Unless you are very close and can go dashing together, it would be best to not visit them while dashing. At a regular job you would not be able to hang out with them, and you must treat Doordash like a real job if you want to make any serious money.

What do you do when you are not receiving any Doordash calls? I'm sure I missed a lot of things that other people besides myself do. Do you do any of the things that I mentioned? Share with us.

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