Saturday, September 10, 2022

Doordash glitch of "Your welcome kit has been delivered"

Doordash is a terrific app for individuals to make money. There's even those that make a full-time income from delivering for Doordash. But, at times there are problems with the app. Anybody that has dashed long enough knows about all the annoying glitches that are encountered from time to time. Recently, I ran in to what is  probably the most annoying glitch ever.

Cannot log in to my Doordash account

All glitches can be annoying, but there is nothing worse that a glitch that prevents you from dashing and making money. One day, as I logged on to Doordash, I was met with the screen that you can see in the pic above. This screen may be familiar to someone that is a new Dasher and has been awaiting their Dasher welcome kit. But, as a long time Dasher, there was no reason that I should have been seeing this screen.

The Doordash app thinks I'm a new Dasher

I don't know what to call this Doordash glitch, but the app thought I was a new Dasher for some reason. There was no way to get out of this screen. The only option I had was to choose and click on "I received it."

When clicking on "I received it," I would then have the option to input the information for the red card that I received. Yes, I received a starter pack in the mail a week before. Didn't understand why at the time, but at this point it ended up making sense. When putting the red card information, I still could not proceed to dash. It would then say on top of the screen that my background check was pending.

I then went to Checkr, which is the third party company that Doordash uses for background checks, and there was no background check going on. I even talked to the people at Checkr, and they were confused about it. They pretty much made it clear that there was no pending background check going on with me.

I searched online, but I didn't find any info about this glitch. Some people told me that I should be able to click on an "X" to close the screen and proceed, but there was no "X." So, I was pretty much stuck and could not dash. It was now time to contact good old Doordash customer support.

Calling up Doordash support to fix the glitch

I first called up Doordash, but something seemed to have happened with Doordash support. In the past, Doordash could easily be contacted through the phone. Not anymore. A message said that due to a high volume of calls, my call could not be taken as only Dashers that are on active calls would be able to get phone service.

It seems that this has become the norm. You will always hear that they have a high volume of calls. The fact of the matter is that the calls are probably the same as they have always been, It's just that Doordash probably let go half of their agents. I'm just speculating. 

So, since I could not get an active dash going, calling was not an option. But, I could still text a customer support agent. Even though this worked, I must say that things certainly have changed. Before, and I am talking for many years, an agent would be on the text support right away. Now, you have to wait 5 to 10 minutes until somebody gets on.

The Doordash glitch was not an easy fix

I explained the glitch problem to a Doordash support agent, and he said that he would forward my problems to a specialist. I would be contacted in 72 hours. My thoughts were thanks for nothing. That meant three days of no dashing. Immediately, I tried dash support again so that I could get someone else, but I got the same kind of answer. I would do this five times and everyone Doordash support agent just wanted to forward the problem to a specialist. So, I accepted that I would not be doing any dashing for a while.

The Doordash glitch is an easy fix

The next day, while on my computer paying some bills, I thought why not text Doordash support and try again. I figured I'd get the same crap, but low and behold, my whole problem was really an easy fix. I explained to the Doordash rep what was going on. He asked if he could call me, and I said sure. While talking to him, in less than a minute he had the problem fixed. When logging on to the app, the regular screen to start dashing was showing once again. I thanked the guy, and he proudly said "Yes, I know how to fix a problem like this." I was really grateful to this guy.

Always remember that not all Doordash reps are equal

No matter what kind of problem a Dasher is having, it should always be remembered that some Doordash reps are much more knowledgeable about things than others. The first five reps that I chatted with did not know how to fix my problem. Then, the sixth guy fixed it like nothing. If a Dasher contacts Doordash support and does not get a resolution to their problem, they should always continue to contact Doordash until they get an agent that can help them.

Whats up with the "Your welcome kit has been delivered" glitch anyways?

Nobody that I have spoken to knows. Even the Doordash rep that fixed the problem did not know, but at least he knew how to fix it. For some reason, the system will just think that somebody is a new Dasher. It doesn't matter if the Dasher has 5,000, 10,000 or 20,000 dashes under their belt. I just hope this is not happening to too many people, because it can be annoying. If someone does have this problem, just remember, there are Doordash reps with the knowledge to fix it. You just have to continually contact Doordash support until you find them.


  1. I am currently going through the SAME EXACT THING! currently on the phone with the 5th doordash rep to get this resolved! It stared on Wednesday and earlier Wednesday at 5:30 am I received 2 emails from checkr telling me my background check was sent to doordash and everything went smooth. I tried to start my dash as usual and then this glitch started…. It’s now Friday 1pm and I’m just going to have this rep take me to the specialist or whoever that can get this fixed!! I got bills yo this is BS! Thank you for this article so much help and glad someone else experienced this these doordash reps are making me sound crazy!

  2. This just happened to me. Oddly exactly a month after I started. My first call, first rep didn’t understand what I was talking about. Put me on hold and after about 5 or so min my phone rang an unknown number while the line was ringing, which I didn’t answer and suddenly I hear my voicemail on the line. I hung up, called again and got another rep that kind of understood. Asked me if I deleted, signed out and such which I did before the call. Even told her I signed into another device and got the same screen. She put me on hold, had me sign out and a few times while she checked things on my side and after the 3rd time she was able to get me back to the dash screen. I missed a promo but at least the solved it.
