Thursday, September 15, 2022

Doordash cheating Dashers from Top Rated Dasher status

If you are a regular reader of my posts, then you know that I am a firm supporter of the Doordash Top Rated Dasher program. My opinion hasn't changed, but Doordash has really disappointed me, as well as many others Dashers in the way they are handling a glitch with the Top Rated program.



Being a Top Rated Dasher has a perk. In all honesty, to me, and many others I'm sure, the only real benefit that being a Top Rated Dasher brings is the ability to Dash whenever you want; no scheduling needed. In my region, that is a very big deal!

Unfortunately, for me and some other Dashers, we have been cheated from our Top Rated Dasher status even though we met all of the requirements and are deserving of it. I have already briefly wrote about this happening last month. You can find that article here. Now, it has happened again, and it seems like Doordash has no interest in helping any of us out.

How is Doordash cheating some Dashers from their Top Rated Dasher status?

As most experienced Dashers know, there are rating qualifications that need to be met to become a Top Rated Dasher. These ratings must be at the minimum qualifications when midnight comes on the last day of the month. This will qualify a Dasher to be a Top Rated Dasher the upcoming month. For example, to be a Top Rated Dasher for September, you must meet the minimum qualifications when midnight comes on the night of August 31. If you do, you will be a Top Rated Dasher for September.

The ratings needed are at least a 4.70 customer rating, a 70 percent acceptance rate, a 95 percent completion rate, 100 dashes done for the month and 200 lifetime deliveries. All of this is pretty self explainable and not complicated. If your ratings meet the qualifications, you're in. At least, it used to be like that. There seems to be a major problem now!

Recently, many Dashers that have met the qualifications have not been getting their Top Rated Dasher status. This includes yours truly. It has happened to me two months in a row. I qualified for August and September, but Doordash did not give me my Top Rated Dasher status. I'm not alone! On Facebook, Reddit and other social media sites, there are lots of other Dashers complaining and inquiring about the same thing happening to them.



Taking a screenshot to prove you've qualified for the Top Rated Dasher status

Since I got cheated out of being a Top Rated Dasher the previous month and just let it go, I made sure that on the last day of August I'd take a screenshot of my stats. This was taken during the final few minutes of August 31. My customer rating were as follows. Customer rating 4.95, acceptance rate 72 percent, completion rate 99 percent, 120 dashes done for the month of August and way more lifetime deliveries than I'd like to admit. Yes, way more than 200 lifetime deliveries.

I noticed something with the screenshot though. It didn't show the date and time. I didn't want Doordash to try and say that they don't know when that pic was taken. So, I also did a screen recording with my iPhone that way they could see the date and time also. I was just covering my ass here. I figured if I had a problem again, this would help everybody out; especially me!

Contacting Doordash after being cheated of Top Rated Dasher status

As we entered in to a couple of days of September, I still didn't have my Top Rated Dasher status. I immediately noticed that this was going to be a problem like the previous month. No need for me to worry though. Unlike the previous month, I had my proof this time.

I must add that to this day, half ways through the month, there has been no resolution to this problem, and emails and phone calls from me have been going on for a couple of weeks. The email descriptions that I am about the give have all been scattered throughout the past couple of weeks.

I contacted customer support for the first time on the 3rd of the month. The Doordash rep, Norman, told me that my customer rating at the end of August was 4.55 so I don't qualify. I was like wait! What? My customer rating is 4.95, and I have the proof for you! I sent the rep my screenshot and screen recording. They said that they would escalate all of this information to a specialist.

I ended up getting an email from a so called specialist named Sam. He said that after reviewing my account, I didn't qualify for Top Rated Dasher status and showed me all my stats from his end. It showed 4.55 customer rating (wrong) and 181 completed dashes in August (Wrong.) The 181 completed dashes is irreverent as I had 120 and 100 is needed. I just want to point out the BS that was being thrown out. Definitely not a good sign.

I replied back to that email that I have already sent my proof. I then receive an email back from a different Doordash rep named Jake. He sent me a copy and paste email again showing my stats. He had all stats correct except for the customer rating which he showed as 4.55. The email ends with a "Want more information about Top Dasher" link! I'm thinking, no idiot! I want you to fix my problem!

I reply to this email and tell them to look at the proof that I have already sent. I sent them the proof again with my reply. I'm thinking, shouldn't be a problem now!

I get Cindy from Doordash replying to my email. I guess they just throw your email around and a new Doordash rep picks it up. You're never going to get the same person that you replied to. Cindy sends the same copy and paste email as the other two reps. Of course, her stats on me are completely different from theirs except for the customer rating. Like them, she says it's 4.55.

Rent a car, Drive with Uber or Lyft - HyreCar

I now send them an email telling them to stop sending me a copy and paste message. I explain everything again and send in my proof that I do qualify for Top Rated Dasher. I end up getting an email from Pranjal who sends me a different copy and paste message that just shows what the qualifications are to be a Top Rated Dasher. I reply to that message with my proof again.

My new email from Doordash is from Raymond. At first, I thought this Doordash support agent was going to help me out. He sends that now annoying familiar original copy and paste message, but on my customer ratings it says 5.0. I was 4.95, but I'll take it. All other ratings look good, but then I see how may deliveries I did in August, and it says 26. Therefore, I don't qualify.

Even though I'm highly irritated, I cannot help but laugh at the unprofessionalism here. Now, I send them screenshots of all the weeks I worked in August which shows how many dashes I completed each week. If they add it up, they'll see that I had 120 completed dashes in August.

My next email is Nikko from Doordash support. He sends me the famous copy and paste message again telling me that I don't qualify. Again, the 4.55 customer rating is the problem. The most annoying part of this email is the part that says "This doesn't mean that you can't qualify to be considered a Top Dasher in the future because each month is a new opportunity." Opportunity my ass!

After this, they would not reply to my emails anymore, but a few days later I actually receive a telephone call. The guy has the heaviest accent that you can imagine. I'm normally good with accents, but this one was a real piece of work. I explained to him the situation, and he keeps telling me "Why you mad!" I had to say "What?" a couple of times as he kept repeating "Why you mad!" The weird thing is that I wasn't speaking to him like I was mad. There was no reason for him to make that comment. That's what made it weird and funny! 

He told me my stats, of course with the 4.55 customer rating and was ready to hang up. I told him to hold up and read him the stats that I have and explained to him that I do qualify. He grumbled to himself and said "Okay." I then asked how long it will be until they update my account. He said up to 3 days. I said okay and that was that. Well, as of this writing it's been a week and nothing has changed. Not that I expected it to!

I've opened up a new case, and Doordash supposed to call me. It's been a couple of days so I'm starting to wonder if that call will ever come. We shall see. I'm wondering if I can pester Doordash all month long and still not have solution to this problem. If so, that would truly amaze me!

Why is Doordash cheating Dashers from their Top Rated Dasher status?

Presently, I have no idea. Is this being done on purpose by Doordash? I wouldn't think so. I see no purpose in them screwing over Dashers with the Top Rated Dasher program. But then, maybe there is some hidden agenda that I don't know about. Maybe they're hoping the average hours of Dashers goes down so less people qualify for the health stipulate. All we know for sure is that many of us qualifying Dashers have been cheated by Doordash.

Why won't Doordash help and find a resolution for the Top Rated Dasher glitch?

I really believe this is a glitch. Things like this happen, and when it does, you fix it. Unfortunately, the way Doordash reps are handling this situation is completely unacceptable. They have me going in circles and will not solve the problem.

We can't just blame the Doordash reps though. Who knows? Maybe they are completely blind to the situation and have no idea what to do. Maybe they don't even know who to contact for a problem like this. Maybe they are telling Doordash about the problem and being ignored. Whatever the reason is, and whoever is to blame,  it's a damn shame that Doordash cannot solve a problem that a Dasher needs help with. I do not see this happening with Uber Eats or GrubHub.

Recently, I learned that our Doordash reps are nothing more than call center agents. Most of them are ignorant with most Doordash issues. They are call center reps for many companies. These people have an agenda to get rid of you as quickly as possible to prove to their bosses that they are doing a good job. Spending too much time on an issue is a no-no. I'll write more about this another time.

The only one to blame for this situation is Doordash. Plain and simple!

Even if the reps are doing a terrible job here, you cannot put the full blame on them. You have to go to the direct source which is Doordash. If their reps don't know how to handle a situation, it's the fault of Doordash. If Doordash wants to pay pennies to workers at a call center in the Philippines, you get what you pay for. If Doordash wants to be taken serious as a company, they need to make sure that they have professional reps representing their company. Unfortunately for them, it's just the opposite.

I will update this post and show what the final outcome here is. For some reason I don't think I'll ever get a resolution. Before you know it, the month of September will be over and my whole Top Rated status will have been lost for the month. In my area, that means my income has been cut in half as it's too tough to get on. That's all for now. Update coming soon.

Update on Doordash cheating Dashers out of their Top Rated Dasher status. Update here written October 1, 2022.

Well, as most of you may have guessed. Nothing was ever resolved. Here we are in the first day of October and nothing was ever fixed. I was cheated out of my Top Rated Dasher status for the whole month of September. So I've been cheated in August and September by Doordash!!

Think I'll be a top rated Dasher in October? If you think Doordash has already screwed me and some other Dashers over, wait until you hear about what Doordash did to me on the last day of September. Click here and read all about it.

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