Saturday, October 1, 2022

Doordash has cheated this Dasher once again

As many of you know, Doordash cheated me from my Top Rated Dasher status for a couple of months even though I had the ratings to qualify. They of course failed to rectify the situation even though I had proof. The worst part is that they gave zero amount of effort to find a solution to the problem.



I haven't been the only one that this happened to. During the past couple of months there has been many Dashers that have reported Doordash cheating them of their Top Rated Dasher status. I wrote all about this in another post. If you want to check out that post please click here.

I don't care about Top Rated Dasher status anymore

It's not that I don't like the Top Rated Dasher program. It really helps not having to worry about schedules. It's just that I am frustrated with being cheated by Doordash and getting no help from their reps. Since I was cheated of my Top Rated Dasher status for August and September, I pretty much expect the same thing to happen in October. 


I did not give any effort to qualify for the Top Rated Dasher program in October since I have reached the "I don't care" mode. With that said, on the last day of September, I found myself with good ratings (As far as qualifying for Top Rated Dasher is concerned.) I had a 5.0 customer rating, 4.69 acceptance rate and 98 percent completion rate. Of course I also had the minimum amount of Dashes for the month completed. So on this last day of September, I said the heck with it, let me get that acceptance rate to 4.70 and see if they give me Top Rated Dasher status in October.

Doordash did me dirty again

I went out and figured that if I do six or seven dashes, there was a good chance that my acceptance rate would go up from 69 to 70 percent. As experienced Dashers know, just because you accept and complete one order, that doesn't necessarily mean that your acceptance rate will go up a point as you may have knocked off an accepted order that you did 100 orders ago; so your percentage will stay the same. The goal is to knock off one of those declined orders from your past 100 offers and replace it with a new accepted order.

I went out in the evening. By 10:30 P.M. I had completed six dashes, but my acceptance rate did not go up one point. I was still at 69 percent. I'm not an idiot and don't blame Doordash for this. I understand that the orders I was knocking off from my last 100 were all accepted orders. I replaced six old accepted orders with six new accepted orders, so my acceptance rate did  not go up. 

I was playing it close. It was 10:30 P.M., and I was scheduled until midnight. I figured that would be enough time to accept 3 more dashes. But then something suddenly happened. I found myself sitting in a "Wendy's" parking lot for a whole hour without a call. Is this a coincidence? Maybe it just got slow. Just my luck! They had me going constantly earlier, and it was Friday night! Things were not looking good, but I still had a chance. Just maybe if I got one more call that would be the call to get me to 70 percent.

I thought I got that call at 11:35 P.M. The problem was that it was for "Jack in the box" which was across the street from me. That was the one restaurant I didn't want! Why? Because the drive-thru there is always a 40 minute wait. I saw all the cars in that drive-thru, and the way that line was it would have been a one hour wait. That call would take too long! I needed to accept a call and complete it before midnight.

This is where strategy would come in to play. If I declined it, I may have been dropped to 68 percent, and I would be done. Instead, I accepted it and planned to get rid of it by unassigning it. This would keep my acceptance rate at 69 percent, but it would drop my completion rate one point. remember, you must have a 95 percent completion rate for Top Rated Dasher. With me being at 98 percent, it wouldn't be a problem to drop to 97 percent. After doing this, my hope was to get another call for another not so crowded merchant that I could hopefully pick up and deliver before midnight. It was 11:35 P.M., but I still had a chance.

After unassigning the "Jack in the box" order, something strange happened. I was no longer logged into Doordash. My Dash had ended, which ended all hope of getting my customer rating to 4.70. I sat there for a moment thinking "Wait a minute, my dash was suppose to end at midnight!" I was 99.99999 percent sure it ended at midnight. Then I thought maybe I could have been wrong, even though I knew I wasn't. I went back to check when that "Jack in the box" order came in, and it was offered at 11:35 P.M. I put two and two together and thought if my Dash ended at 11:30 P.M., I would not have gotten that "Jack in the Box" call. This confirmed what I already knew. My Dash ended at midnight.

So, Doordash screwed me over again. Statistically speaking, I will not qualify for Top Rated Dasher status in October due to my 69 percent acceptance rate, but again, I don't care that much like I once did. They probably wouldn't give it to me anyways. 

Did Doordash screw me over on purpose? I don't know what to make of it. In the back of my head I picture some Doordash villain sitting behind a desk making sure I didn't make it to 70 percent. Maybe they don't want to have to deal with me calling them everyday in October like I did in September about them cheating me and not giving me my Top Rated Dasher status when I qualified.

I will say this, in all of the years that I have done Doordash, I have never had Doordash end my Dash before it was supposed to. I am talking over 10,000 dashes! Maybe it was a glitch? That would be a coincidence. What perfect timing. I don't buy that. Everything just seemed too perfect. My message to Doordash: "You can take your Top Rated Dasher program and shove it up your ass!"

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