Thursday, October 6, 2022

Dashers make more money than 9 to 5 jobs?

As a Dasher, an individual has the opportunity to make as much money as they want; well almost. Nobody is going to make a million dollars a year dashing. But, there is an opportunity to make what most consider very good money if one puts time and effort in to it.


Do Dashers really earn more than 9 to 5 employees?

It would be foolish to think that a Dasher earns more than a lawyer, a doctor, a dentist or any other well paying career. But, when we are talking about a medical assistant, Walmart floor employees, restaurant workers or any other job that pays less than $25 per hour, yes, full-time dashers can easily earn more than them.



Dashers can make their own overtime

I say this from a 9 to 5 employees perspective. As an independent Doordash contractor, there is no overtime pay, but a Dasher can certainly work at least 12 hours a day if they want to. This means if a Dasher is making $25 per hour, they can easily earn $300 per day. A Dasher can also work seven days per week if they want to. That would put them at $2,100 per week. Let's add it up for the month and we are at $8,400 per month! If this isn't good money to you, then you are either from a rich family or have a career that most dream about.To most people, this is great money. 

How can a Dasher make more than some professional jobs?

It really doesn't make sense when you sit and think about it. I mean, there are people out there that put in many years of college and end up with a job making $5,000 per month; many times less than that. Then you have this Dasher driving around town delivering food and making over $8,000 per month! May not seem right to some, but that's just the way life is sometimes.

As I've said earlier, there are some career incomes that a Dasher will never come close to. No Dasher is going to make 150K per year. It's also very unlikely that a Dasher will ever hit 100K. That $8,400 per month I was talking about earlier would put a Dasher at $100,800.00 earned for the year. The problem is that most people would never be able to work 12 hours per day, 7 days a week for the whole year. As you can see it's possible, but highly unlikely.

Don't underestimate the earnings of a Dasher

There are some people out there that assume that Dashers make pennies. Maybe that's a good thing. The point of this article is not to discourage anybody from going to college or to not have ambitions and goals. My point was just to share the income possibilities of a Dasher. Yes, a full-time Dashers makes more money than most people, but a Dasher's earnings are nowhere near that of people earning 100K plus.

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