Monday, August 22, 2022

Eating while making a Doordash delivery

When out dashing, there will be times when the Dasher gets hungry. Yes, believe it or not folks, us Dashers have to eat too. We don't get a regular lunch break like people with regular jobs do, so when do Dashers eat?

Those concerned about this most would be full-time dashers. These are the guys and gals out there that are road warriors. They dash for eight hour or more, and there will naturally come a time when they want to eat. Part-time dashers probably are not as concerned about this as they only dash for a few hours.

Putting your Dash on pause and taking a lunch break

If a Dasher wants to eat in peace without worrying about anything, they can easily put their dash on pause and take their own personal lunch break. As independent contractors, they can do this at any time they want. The Dasher pause button will give a Dasher a 35 minute pause, but it would be best not to forget to log back on before the 35 minutes expire or the schedule could be lost.

I have rarely ever done this, but many years ago there were a few times when I have. I was hungry and wanted to enjoy my food without being disturbed with calls that I'd be tempted to accept. I'm sure there are some Dashers that do this on a normal basis, but I'd bet that most don't.

Dasher eating while making deliveries

This is the way I eat while out dashing. I won't waste anytime sitting around eating. Why would I do that if I can be getting paid to eat! While picking up a Doordash customer's food, if it is a restaurant of my liking, I'll just get myself something.

I'll eat my food while I'm on my way to deliver. As an independent contractor I can eat whenever I want and I love it! I usually won't be done when I get to the customer, so I'll just continue on with my food after the drop off.

Don't be chewing while dropping off a customer's food

I say this as a warning. No Dasher wants to bring unnecessary problems to themselves. When making a drop off, you don't want to be chewing your food. Why? Well, the customer may think you picked at their food, and it's going to gross them out.

There's a good chance that they'll pick up their phone, call Doordash and file a complaint against the Dasher. Sure, it may not be true, but think about the customers perspective. Truly understood, and it would be stupid for a Dasher to get in trouble over something like this.

Dashers that prepare their own healthy food

I am guilty of not eating healthy while out dashing. The fast food restaurants really get me. This of course is not healthy at all for me or any other Dasher. I've talked to other Dashers that do not buy any food while they are out. Instead, they take their own healthy food with them. For those concerned about eating healthy (as we all should be,) this is the best way to go.

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