Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Top Rated Dasher Haters Out There

If you are a Doordash driver, and you are at least somewhat active on social media. Then you've no doubt ran in to Top Rated Dasher discussions and debates. You know, the Dashers that are or want to be Top Rated Dashers and their bashers. The bashers are the ones that criticize everything about becoming a Top Rated Dasher. You will see this a lot of times in Facebook groups. Which one are you?


What is a Top rated Dasher and why would you want to be one?

The Top Rated Dasher badge is given to certain Dashers that perform at a certain level. What this means is that to become a Top Rated Dasher, an individual must have certain ratings at the end of a month. If they do, then they will be a Top Rated Dasher for the upcoming month. You can find out more about the criteria needed to become a Top Rated Dasher here.

The main benefit of becoming a Top Rated Dasher is that you can dash whenever you want. There is never a need to worry about scheduling. You can dash in any region you want at anytime you choose. Top Rated Dashers are also supposed to get priority on certain orders.

Why are some Dashers against being a Top Rated Dasher?

There are various reasons, and I'm going to go through a few of the more popular ones. A lot of regular Dashers like to point out that Top Rated Dashers do not make more money due to their status. A lot of them base their opinion as they were once a Top Rated Dasher. They see no point in it.

In all honesty, Doordash has never said that Top Rated Dashers will make more money. These people made something up in their head and when they didn't see results, they began bashing the Top Rated Dasher program.

Some Top Rated Dasher bashers also like to point out that you have to take all the cheap paying calls to make the statistical acceptance rate qualification. A lot of them like to say things such as "I'll leave all the $2 and $3 calls for the Top Rated Dashers." They think they got one up on everybody else. If they really believe this, they are only fooling themselves.

To be a Top Rated Dasher, only a 70 percent acceptance rate is needed. Yes! Only 70 percent! That means that you can deny three calls for every 10 offers. That's a lot of orders you can deny there! If you are really in to cherry-picking your orders, a Dasher can cherry-pick all month long and just get their percentage rate up during the final week of the month so they can qualify for Top Rated Dasher the following month.

As a Top Rated Dasher myself, trust me when I say that I do not take all of the cheap paying $2 or $3 calls. I'm actually against anyone taking those calls, and trust me when I say generally Top Rated Dashers are not taking those calls. I believe it's the normal Dashers taking those calls as they are probably newer Dashers learning the game.

In all honesty, some regular Dashers may be envious of Top Rated Dashers. I mean, we've all heard the word "Haters" before. I'm sure it's not the case with every basher out there, but I'm sure that there are some Dashers that wish they could be a Top Rated Dasher, but they haven't figured out the game good enough yet. Since they're not, the only thing left to do is bash Top Rated Dashers and talk about how they don't want to be one.

The truth about the Top Rated Dasher program

I have been a Top Rated Dasher on a continuous basis for many months now; probably years. As a long time Top Rated Dasher myself, I am one that will defend the badge and tell you what a great thing it is to have. I wasn't always supportive of the Top Rated Dasher badge. Years ago I felt that it didn't serve me any purpose, but trust me when I say I was never a basher of the program.

Again, the main benefit of being a Top Rated Dasher is dashing whenever you want. With Doordash, this is very important because sometimes it is very difficult to get a schedule. Let's face it, Doordash is oversatuarated with Dashers in most markets. This is why there has been frequent hiring freezes.

If you are lucky enough to be in a market where you can easily get schedules, you are one of the few lucky ones. When your market becomes oversaturated, you will understand how important it is to be a Top Rated Dasher. Don't ever listen to anyone saying that to be a Top Rated Dasher you have to accept all the cheap paying calls and will have to drive 10 miles for a $2 call. That is not the way it works. You deny calls like that! All in all, being a Top Rated Dasher is great!

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