Monday, March 20, 2023

Can Doordash drivers have passengers?

When Doordash drivers are making food deliveries, they are usually alone. With that said, if a Doordash customer uses Doordash enough, they may notice that there are times when they will notice that the Doordash driver has a passenger with them. Are they allowed to do this? Wouldn't their employer get mad?

Doordash drivers can have passengers with them

Even if a Doordash customer doesn't like it for whatever reason, they cannot make a valid complaint if a dasher has a passenger with them. The dasher can have their spouse, child, mother, uncle or a friend with them if they wish. Dashers are not employed by Doordash and are in business for themselves. Doordash has no say in how these independent contractors conduct their business.

If dashers were actually employees of Doordash, it would be a different story. An employer can set rules that their drivers do not have anybody in the vehicle with them. This would usually be due to insurance reasons. Again though, as small business owners that carry their own insurance, a dasher can have whoever they want in their vehicle with them.

There are limitations as to what Doordash passengers can do

What I mean here is that the passengers that are with the dasher cannot perform any part of the work. Passengers cannot get out of the car and make the deliveries. They actually should not take any part of the work. Sure, they can drive you around while you perform the work. They can even navigate the app for you. When it can become problematic is when they are engaging with merchants or customers.

A dasher would never want to cause problems that they don't need. If a customer sees that Mary is supposed to deliver their order, and they see a large man walking up to their door making a delivery, it may confuse them. They may pick up their phone and complain to Doordash. You don't need these problems.

A note about taking kids with you dashing

Many parents like to take their kids with them while they are dashing. Again, this is fine and within their right to do so. Caution should be taken with children though; especially small children.

I have personally seen dashers that like to send their children into the restaurant to pick up the customer's food. A dasher should not do this, but if they do, they need to at least make sure that their child is of a mature age. You know, maybe at least 15 years old.

It will catch the attention of restaurants when they notice a small child or a gang of small children coming in to pick up a Doordash order. Even though there may be no harm intended, it can cause problems for you and the merchant may make a call to Doordash and report it.

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