Monday, February 27, 2023

When does Dasher see tip?

When a Doordash customer places an order with Doordash, they may wonder when and if a Dasher can see the tip amount that they left. It may be due to embarrassment of leaving a small tip, or not even leaving a tip at all. Whatever the reason is, we are going to let you know when a Doordash driver knows how much a Doordash customer has tipped.

Does a Dasher see the tip amount when they are offered the delivery?

No. When a Dasher receives a delivery opportunity, they see the amount of money that they will get paid to complete the order. They cannot see how much the customer tipped. The offer will show them the overall pay, but it will not show how much is coming from Doordash base pay and how much is coming from the tip.



When a Dasher sees a decent paying order; $8 or up, they will know that there is a good chance that the customer tipped something. When an order is small; like a $3 or $4 order, the Dasher will assume, and usually be correct that there is not much of a tip on the order.

When does a Dasher know how much the Doordash customer tipped?

After picking up the order and making the delivery, a Dasher will then have to mark the order as delivered. This is usually done when the Dasher is walking back to their vehicle or after getting back into their car. They will slide the order as completed, and then it will show them the breakdown of their payment for the order. Yes, it will show how much the customer tipped.

Non-tippers may feel comfortable with leave it at the door instructions

The whole leave it at the door thing was almost non-existent before the pandemic hit our world in 2020. Dashers would always hand over the food directly to the customer. Then, for the safety of everyone, most of the deliveries ended up being leave it at the door orders. This was fine and understandable.



It seems now though, with most of the pandemic long gone, many customers have gotten used of the leave it at the door concept, and this has faired well with all of the non-tippers. They don't see the drivers and don't have to feel any shame for not leaving a tip. They may also find comfort in knowing that the dasher does not see that they are a non-tipper until after the delivery is made.

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